J. Robert Oppenheimer- The Father Of The Atomic Bomb.


On 21st July of 2023, a film named “Oppenheimer” was released. This film is directed by Christopher Nolan, who is very famous for making legendary films throughout his career. It is a documentary film, made on a famous scientist J. Robert Oppenheimer, who is also known as the father of the atomic bomb.

The film was getting all the hype even before it was released. Me, along with my friends went on to watch the film at the Star Cineplex, Sony square, Dhaka. Getting a desired seat in the Cineplex was nearly impossible but somehow, we managed to get few seats. We were very happy with whatever we got.

The film started and we began to watch with our highest of interest. This film was about the famous physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer who was the director of the Manhattan Project’s Los Alamos laboratory during World War II. He was given the task to develop the first nuclear weapon. The weapons were a phenomenon and he was instrumental in the project’s success. These weapons were used against Japan in the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Throughout the film, Oppenheimer’s life story was shown. The film was exceptional in visuals, dialogs, music tension and the performances of the actors were top-notch. It was a piece of masterpiece. To understand the movie, you need to know a lot about geo-politics, World War II, and theoretical physics. But the film clearly conveyed the message it intended and alarmed us of the destruction of the nuclear weapons that anybody can understand while watching the film. In the nuke scene, the tension buildup was so flawless that I could see people start to lean forward as they experience the horror of nuclear bombings in front of their eyes.

The film was so flawless that I was kind of sad when the film ended. I was on the edge of the seat throughout the film. It was a great cinematic experience which I will forever remember.


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