June 12, 2023

And then the dreams break into trillion tint pieces. The dream dies. Which leaves you with a choice - you can settle for reality or you can dream another dream. 

Let me share my story. I dreamt of being a doctor. The white aprons were my inspiration. I always tamed a dream to wear this WHITE APRON WITH A STETHOSCOPE. Whoever used to ask me, "what do you want to be?" The answer would be, "A doctor or a surgeon." Obtaining the highest mark in bio, researching on various topics became an intoxication. Prefixing "Doctor" behind my name and getting called by family and friends attached wings to my dreams.

March 10, 2023, 10:00 am: The MBBS exam hall, Dhaka University, Faculty of Social Sciences. The battlefield - the field through which my green flag will be hoisted. The confidence I took with me inside the hall, buried 300 ft under just the moment I got my question paper. 

Since then everything has scattered all round. Everything seems lifeless. Showing the world that I don't give an f about what happened but my heart bleed. Showing the world that I am stable but only if I knew how my nights used to pass. There's not a single night in which I didn't cry my heart out. Yet the world will think, it's my fault. I didn't study. Some xyz got chance but I didn't. 

I went to the hospital for my checkup. This time those WHITE APRONS WITH STETHOSCOPES didn't attract me rather it just stabbed in my heart. I no longer have any passion, or dream. My wings broke. The intoxication was over.

Cut to May 27, 2023, BRAC University, Department of MNS (Biotechnology)

And *When you get what you want, that's GOD's direction.When you don't get what you want, that's GOD's protection.* - proved


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